English-Chinese Parallel Activities

Corpus-Based Lessons For Secondary Levels

Topic: Imperative sentences

Designers: HE, An E

Target Students: Secondary 1 to 3

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 5: Imperative sentences


Topic: Does “If” equal to “如果” all the time?

Designer: Chung Man Chan

Target Students: Secondary 4 to 6

Corpus Used: English-Chinese Parallel Corpus & Chinese-English Parallel corpus

Class Duration: 60 minutes

English-Chinese Parallel Corpus for Language Studies

Topic: “Big” vs “大”

Designers: Dong Wenqiao

Target Students: Secondary 1 to 3

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

Class Duration: 50 minutes

Group 1 Corpus Searching (big and “大”)

Topic: “Good” vs “好”

Designers: Anonymous EdUHK students

Target Students: Secondary 1 to 3

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

Class Duration: 60 minutes

Group 6 Anonymous EdUHK students

Corpus-Based Lessons For Tertiary Levels

Topic: “Now” vs “現在”

Designers: Wang Lixun

Target Students: Tertiary students

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 1: Now vs. 現在Topic: ”-self“ vs ”自己“

Designers: Wang Lixun

Target Students: Tertiary students

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 2: ”-self“ vs ”自己“Topic: “Good” = “好”?

Designers: Wang Lixun

Target Students: Tertiary students

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 3: Good = 好?


Topic: Connotations and collocations/idioms Discourse Analysis

Designers: Wang Lixun

Target Students: Tertiary students

Corpus Used: English – Chinese Parallel Concordancer (E-C Concord)

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 4: Connotations and collocations/ idioms

Topic: Differences between the Chinese and English structure

Designers: HE, An E

Target Students: Tertiary students

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 6: Chinese and English structure

Topic: ‘have’

Designers: HE, An E

Target Students: Tertiary students

English-Chinese Parallel_Activity 7: have