• Speaker: 7    • IELTS Speaking Score: 5.5    • Presentation Topic: A Time You Dealt with Stress


Uh, I must say that I, when I first, when I first uh, face this topic, I feel very stressed and nervous.

Um… Uh… And some picture just having immersed in my mind. Like, when I was seven grade and I took part in our school sport meet. And when I stand in the 100-meter runway and read to run, that moment, I feel stressed, like, like thing. And uh, when, also like when I see my crush, I feel str, stressed and nervous. So, uh, for years, I, I try to uh, out of stress because uh, I think stress is a harm, harmful, uh, is very harmful to me and um, I try to out of stress but it’s not work uh, because I’m a sensitive person.

Um… I think stress is harmful to me until I say, uh, I watch a Ted lecture called how to make friends with your stress. And that moment I take a tumble. I, I really take a tumble just I say the, uh, I say this Ted lecture because, uh… because I know the, the, the, the problem, the point is how I think or how I act my stress is very important. If, if I, if I choose to view my stress like a positive way, or uh, I response my stre, my stress as a helpful, I can, I can, I can create the biology o, of, of courage, and I, my body will suppose me. That is, that is very important to me. And, um… so, I think, I think, you, uh, you choose to view stress like a positive way is also announcement to trouble. Like, I can choose myself to solve the problem, solve the difficult things, and uh, that made, that made me, em, that made me more confident and when, when I solve this problem.

So, I think, I think, um, to me it have two part to, to solve my, to solve my pro, problem and feel more confident uh, in the, {就是} when I under a lot of stress. Uh… The first one, the first part is physical, physically. And the physically, uh, my, uh, I always do some sports and sports make me relaxed and second, the second method is I write some daily. And I write a happy things or sad things. And I can, uh, I can, I can feedback myself. And third method is I, I will always communication with my, with my friend, with my family, and they, they will always support me and gave me some, uh, give me some help. So, this is uh, my, this is my method in physically. And in psychologically, I think is, the point is how I think or, or how I act eh, with the stress. And um, en, I think stress is, str, stress is uh, bad, is a harmf, harmful things to me in many years ago. But now I think if I, if I meet, meet it again, I will s, I will solve it well. And this is my, this is my uh… um… des, description.