• Speaker: 3  • IELTS Speaking Score: 5.0  • Presentation Topic: Methods You Learned from Others to Overcome Anxiety Symptoms


Um… Um… One way to treat exhaust is to face your worries and… apprehension associated with upcoming challenges. Hmm… In advance to reduce exhaust symptom. Hmm… Hmm… My method is to set aside a worry time. Um… Look over your daily schedule and pick to turn to fifteen minute worry periods for each day. Make it the same time each day. For example, you can set aside ten minute each morning at 7 a.m., or, en, ten minutes each afternoon at 7 p.m. Whatever works best for you, but keep to the same worry schedule every day and strictly monitor the time allowing to worry. During this time, you can focus on your fears and worries without trying to fix them. The rest of the day, however, must be worry free. If you feel exhausted during the day or if negative thoughts evolved, record them in a notebook and put off thinking about them until your next worry period.

Hmm… In my daily life, I found many things makes me very exhausted, so, um, I found many, uh, different ways to solve this problem. Hmm… By some practices, hmm, I found this way is useful for me. Hmm… hmm… En… En… En… When, en… en… in… en… once a time, I, en, use my mobile phone to… en, research some informations, I found my friend, uh, write some ideas about, uh, his, uh, uh, exhausted emotions. Hmm… So, I, en, have a idea and I want to try this method. En… Maybe this method is useful for me.

En… Last, uh, last week, my friends and I, uh, walk around the street and we talk about something about my, uh, about our, uh, study life and daily life, uh, en, we found a common quest, co, common problems is, uh, people’s, uh, exhausted emotions. En… I told my friend, en, en, in, in my daily life, I always feel exhausted, so, he suggest me, en, could try a new method. This method is, uh, set a, set a worry time. En… Uh… To be specifics is to, uh, you can focus on your fears and worries, hmm, since concentrate on, en, fixed time. And in other time, hmm, you don’t have to say, uh, you don’t have to worry about things about them. And, hmm, you need to, uh, try your best to do your work.

Um… uh… uh… I think the first, I think the first important things is if you always feel exhaustes, en… en… you should, you, en… you don’t… think… a lot. En… You could try your best, en, keep you in a, uh, free situation. En… And I think, en… if you have a good emotions, you can, en… work, work better… and en… try your best enjoying your life.