• Speaker: 2    • IELTS Speaking Score: 5.0    • Presentation Topic: A Time I Had Self-compassion


OK. Speaking of the time I had self-compassion, it strucks me that I…, uh, my experience that I been preparing my IELTS exam. I have been preparing the test for five months and… I have, I have little entertainment. En… Uh… I get up earlier and, and study at my daily… at my every, sin, single day. Um… An, and then last month I took part in the, the exam, and I got my score. It’s, it’s, it a unpleasant, it’s a, an unpleasa, sant score and I was very disappoint and upset because I think I focus most of my time every day on… the exam to preparing, to prepare and practice. And I… al, also spend, also spent many… much time and energy to pra, practice and pr, prepare it. And then, I… I was thinking that maybe I’m a foolish person and… I can do nothing. And then… during, during a period of time about ten year, ten days, I… I did nothing at my home and I told me, I told myself that, uh, that I was nothing, um, again and again. Um… And… and my, my mental and physical, physical… condition is not, is not well.

And then one day, I remember that my mom told me that I’m a smart, I’m a smart girl, I can do anything when, when I felt to pass the exam, pass the exam, uh, like when, en, I was in high school or… elementary school. And, and my mom always encou, encourage m, me to, to try again. And then I think, yes, I, I’m a, I’m a smart girl. And… I can do… anything well. Maybe there’s something goes wrong and I, I need to find it. And then I, I talk about uh, this result, um, to my friends, my teacher and they helped me to find uh what is, what is the result that I did bad. And then I found… my… my… my… direction that I, that I practice and pre, prepare the exam, um, goes, went wrong, like, I didn’t practice, practice much… much… much, uh, I must to do. Uh… Like, I didn’t speak spoken English very much. And I didn’t do the, do, didn’t practice the listening parts. So… so… so, I need to do more. So, so, now, I feel better because I found the right… right… direction that I need to do and I feel more confident. Um… Yeah.