
1. IELTS Speaking Test Introduction


The IELTS speaking test is an oral interview between the test takers' and an examiner, and usually lasts for 11–14 minutes. There are three parts, and the test assesses candidates’ use of spoken English. Every test is recorded.

  • Part 1 – Introduction and Interview

Timing: 4 – 5 minutes



Focus: to test test takers’ ability to communicate opinions and information on everyday topics and common experiences or situations


Task type: The examiner asks general questions about test takers themselves and a range of familiar topics, such as home, family, work, studies and interests.

  • Part 2 – Long Turn

Timing: 3–4 minutes (including one-minute preparation time)

Focus: to test test takers’ ability to speak at length on a given topic (without further prompts from the examiner), using appropriate language and organising ideas coherently

Task type: The examiner gives the test takers a task card which asks the test takers to talk about a particular topic, includes points to cover in their talk and instructs the test takers to explain one aspect of the topic. Test takers are given one minute to prepare their talk, and are given a pencil and paper to make notes. The examiner asks the test takers to talk for 1 to 2 minutes, stops the test takers after 2 minutes, and asks one or two questions on the same topic.

  • Part 3 - Discussion

Timing: 4 – 5 minutes

Focus: to test the ability to express and justify opinions and to analyse, discuss and speculate about issues

Task type: Test takers will be asked further questions about the topic in Part 2. These will give test takers the opportunity to discuss more abstract ideas and issues in greater depth.

2. Marking & Criteria

Test takers’ speaking performances are assessed by certificated IELTS examiners based on the official performance descriptors which describe spoken performance at the nine IELTS bands. Four sub-skills are examined, namely fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation.

  • Fluency and coherence

Fluency & coherence in IELTS speaking test refers to the ability to talk with normal levels of continuity, rate and effort and to link ideas and language together to form coherent, connected speech. The key indicators involved are speech rate, speech continuity, logical sequencing of sentences, clear marking of stages in a discussion, narration or argument, and the use of cohesive devices (e.g. connectors, pronouns and conjunctions) within and between sentences.

  • Lexical resource

In this part, the range of vocabulary used and the precision with which meanings and attitudes can be expressed are evaluated. Several key indicators are involved, such as the variety of words used, the adequacy and appropriacy of the words used and the ability to circumlocute (get round a vocabulary gap by using other words) with or without noticeable hesitation.

  • Grammatical range and accuracy

Grammatical range & accuracy in IELTS speaking test refers to the range and the accurate and appropriate use of the test takers' grammatical resource. The key indicators involved are the length and complexity of the spoken sentences, the appropriate use of subordinate clauses, and the range of sentence structures, especially to move elements around for information focus, the number of grammatical errors in a given amount of speech, and the communicative effect of error.

  • Pronunciation

In this part, the ability to produce comprehensible speech to fulfil the Speaking test requirements is examined. Several key indicators are involved, the amount of strain caused to the listener, the amount of the speech which is unintelligible, and the noticeability of L1 influence.

Note: All the information in this page is retrieved from the IELTS official website (